Effective December 30, 2024, Global Atlantic will begin transitioning to accepting FIA applications via electronic application only. View transition guidelines and FAQs
It’s time to get started
Global Atlantic is enhancing our digital capabilities to make doing business with us more efficient than ever. Take advantage of our streamlined eApplication solution, SnapApp. A faster, simpler, more convenient way of doing business.
Resources to help you get started
Discover step-by-step resources to help you get started with SnapApp, our eApplication solution -- designed to make the process of using SnapApp as easy and efficient as possible.
eApp FAQs
Find the answers to your most common questions about using our eApplication solution, SnapApp.
SnapApp How-to Video
Get started with our eApplication solution, SnapApp, with this step-by-step video.
SnapApp User Guide
Navigate SnapApp with ease with our comprehensive user guide, from logging in to completing forms to submitting an eApplication.
Need help?
Find all the contact information to submit and service your business.