Income 150+ SE fixed index annuity

Give your clients’ retirement a 20% boost on day one

Products and product features are subject to state and firm variations and availability. Contact your back office or the Global Atlantic sales desk for product availability.

Guaranteed lifetime income and growth potential on a flexible schedule

Provide your clients with an annuity for steady income growth. Income 150+ SE offers a 20% income boost to their Withdrawal Base on day one,1,2 and if they are further away from retirement, the potential for larger income payments.

Those who have not activated income withdrawal immediately receive 7.5% income boosts annually in years two through five. And if income has not been activated by year 10, they receive a boost to the Withdrawal Base equal to 150% of the interest credits applied to the contract value in years one through nine.

Planning for the unexpected

Income 150+ SE includes the Income Enhancement Benefit, which will double your client’s guaranteed annual income amount for up to five years if they are unable to perform two or more Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).3,4


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Tools to guide you

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Current rates

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Income 150+ SE calculator

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Income Playbooks

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Income 150+ SE resources

Find the materials that can help you learn more about Income 150+ SE fixed index annuity. Get the materials that you can share with your clients.

Share any of the links below to help your customers understand how these crediting methods and indices work.


BlackRock iBLD Diversa® VC7 ER Index Website
MSCI EAFE Index Website
PIMCO Balanced Index Website
Franklin US Index Website
S&P 500® Index Website
J.P. Morgan Cross-Asset Strategy Index Website

Indices are not available for direct investment.

When considering a fixed index annuity, it is important to evaluate all of the product’s available interest crediting strategies to determine which strategy – or combination of strategies – works best for your client’s retirement goals.



Crediting methods and indices are subject to state availability and variations.

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